We are releasing the new #FUD FAQ Edition: Week 56.

24 Apr 2022, 20:05
We are releasing the new #FUD FAQ Edition: Week 56 This is a weekly community based thread where we cover top questions of the week, most common repeat questions, top controversies for the industry and silly fails and trolling. ☀️ 🗨️ What is all of this I am hearing about #cc0summer? 2020: DeFi Summer 2021: NFT Summer 2022: CC0 Summer 🗨️ I keep seeing all of this amazing art generated by Midjourney, Dall-E 2 and Disco Diffusion, how much do we have to worry that AI is going to replace web3 fashion designers? You might wonder whether these words were written by GPT-3. But, in our opinion you don’t have to worry about it at all. The more creative and ingenious the practice of a field the less that you have to worry about AI taking over. Even while it is a very serious concern for far more than half of more routine jobs. 🗨️ Top Controversies in the Industry Yes, we know obviously the Swastika has a 5,000 year history outside of being the most iconic symbol for the worst regime and death cult in history, and it is still used today in religious communities throughout South and East Asia. But what we’ve failed to see anywhere in the reaction to the news that the Binance team decided that the Swastika is A-Ok for use as their new emoji logo is anyone asking what in the world Binance or CZ has to do with specifically Hinduism, Jainism or certain aspects of Buddhism. 🗨️ Silly Fails and Trolling Most of our Twitter notifications for the past week or more have been spammed with anon tags and giveaways. Not that it wasn’t happening before, but gosh, it’s certainly amped up. Read full article here 👇👇👇 Share any FUD that you want answered in the #🤪fud-faq channel and check out all editions at 👉