We are releasing the new #FUD FAQ Edition: Week 54.

11 Apr 2022, 09:36
We are releasing the new #FUD FAQ Edition: Week 54 This is a weekly community based thread where we cover top questions of the week, most common repeat questions, top controversies for the industry and silly fails and trolling. ☀️ 🗨️ When will we see the big breakout of web3, NFTs, fashion and the metaverse we’ve been expecting since we first understood how powerful they can be? Reading the whims of change and market indicators, it seems pretty clear that while sometimes months can feel like decades, we actually really are on the cusp of something huge. From the DIGITALAX perspective in particular, there are a few big developments that have been converging to a point where we expect major upgrades in infrastructure to hit soon for creators making that long desired breakthrough happen.... 🗨️ What’s happening with NFT and web3 markets? Up, down, sideways? Did the bear get rabies like that fox that was caught on the White House lawn? What we’ve seen over the years in blockchain and web3 is markets respond to all kinds of things, sometimes logically, sometimes who the hell knows what is going on. Whilst we have no predictions to give out here, it is kind of exciting that the merge is right around the corner, and, Spring brings so many infrastructure upgrades and web3 fashion activity to look forward to— particularly IRL..... 🗨️ Top Controversies in the Industry …. I mean…. anything that Facebook/Meta does is controversial….it’s great and all that FB / Zuck want to join the cool kids table by pretending to embrace web3 culture, but we can spot a fake a mile away. It’s recorded immutably on chain. Wake me when FB radically reformats there algorithm to serve users instead of serving us up on a platter as products, abandons invasive policies and practices, stops amplifying filter bubbles for violent extremist militant sycophancy, and genuinely retools with technology encoded in a way that it literally can’t violate self sovereign principles once put in place. 🗨️ Silly Fails and Trolling Elon becomes Twitter’s largest shareholder with a 9+% stake. Is he trolling us all with this move? Too soon to tell, but what we can be sure of is plenty silly fails and trolling in the weeks and months to come related to this move. So much of how he uses the bird app is already like he’s running a class on memes, pranks, and trolling. It’s a safe bet to expect a lot more coming up ahead. Read full article here 👇👇👇 Share any FUD that you want answered in the #🤪fud-faq channel and check out all editions at: 👉