We are releasing the new #FUD FAQ Edition: Week 70.

02 Aug 2022, 18:57
We are releasing the new #FUD FAQ Edition: Week 70 This is a weekly community based thread where we cover top questions of the week, most common repeat questions, top controversies for the industry and silly fails and trolling. ☀️ 🗨️ WTF are instructables? There is already a tremendous amount of work done daily by a culture, of knowhow and skills shared, of buying activity that stops at nothing when some other culture stands in the way, or when market upheaval or local obstacles stand in their way actively trying to stop them from engaging in existing expression, consumption, creativity and style… 🗨️ Broken record question of the week; WTF is wrong with Yuga Labs and when is it going to all come crashing down? How much more do people need to see before they get that the Yuga Lab's founders really are alt-right wannabe Nazi symps? It's getting pretty impossible to ignore at this point and it's funny how the only people really defending them are those trying to protect their bags or refuse in all cases to accept the reality that we live in. 🗨️ Top Controversies It's really not punk, it's just boring. 🗨️ Silly Fails and Trolling As if the Bitcoin maxis fud couldn't get any worse there was a parade of clowns yesterday saying some nonsense about whether Coinbase is an L1 and if you're "not only sticking to Bitcoin & Lightning then you're not ethical". Read full article here 👇👇👇 Share any FUD that you want answered in the #🤪fud-faq channel and check out all editions at: